Nie wiem czy na tym forum jest miejsce na eZwolnienia, ale wygląda na to, że dziś też mają problem:
https://pue.zus.pl:8001/ws/zus.channel.gabinetoweV2.zla/zus_channel_zla_Port"[ISS.0088.9112] An Exception was thrown in the server:[ART.117.4033] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error while closing transactions at service completion Error:[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.\n[ART.117.4015] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections..\n[ART.117.4034] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Retryable Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections.\n[ART.117.4015] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Error(s) occurred while closing adapter connections."
http://pue.zus.pl:8001/ws","Reason":{"Translations":[{"XmlLang":"","Text":"[ISS.0088.9112] An Exception was thrown in the server:[ART.117.4002] Adapter Runtime (Adapter Service): Unable to invoke adapter service zus.adapter.portalzus.zla:selectTokenPue.\n[ADA.1.316] Cannot execute the SQL statement \"SELECT id\r\nfrom token_lekarza\r\nwhere token_lekarza.id = ?\r\n\". \"\n(08003/0) Connection has been closed.\"\nConnection has been closed."}]},"IsMustUnderstandFault":false},"action":null}